Beth is passionate about making missions happen and believes meaningful human connection is the key to achieving positive change in the world.
She helps nonprofit leaders connect people and programs to mission and goals by harnessing their expertise and tapping their data. Her MapMoveMeasure™ framework is a guide for elevating stewardship and developing longer-term relationships with supporters – donors, volunteers, advocates, board members.
Beth’s clients have said that working with her is not just typical project work with a fixed scope. It’s a process that introduces a new way of thinking about their work.
Beth’s consulting practice reflects her life experience and her approach mirrors her own way of learning. Studying abroad in college, earning her MBA, taking a mid-career detour to volunteer and travel in South America, leaving her corporate job to become an AmeriCorps VISTA and ultimately leading her own consulting practice have contributed to Beth’s passion for making the complex simple and the very lofty tangible.